
Showing posts from December 13, 2018

The method add(String) is undefined for the type String

up vote 0 down vote favorite ArrayList<String> indirizzi = new ArrayList<String>(); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) String ind = in.nextLine(); indirizzi.get(i).add(ind); The method add(String) is undefined for the type String . This program gives me the above error. I don't understand why. java share | improve this question edited Nov 11 at 22:59 GBlodgett 8,525 4 15 31 asked Nov 11 at 22:50 user10610048 67 6 add a comment  |  up vote 0 down vote favorite ArrayList<String> indirizzi = new ArrayList<String>(); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) String ind = in.nextLine(); indirizzi.get(i).add(ind); The method add(String) is undefined for the type String . This program gives me the above error. I don't understand why. java share | improve this question edited Nov 11 at 22:59 GBlodgett 8,525 4 15 31 asked Nov 11 at 22:50 user10610048 67 6 add


篮球比賽阵容 場上五人 得分后卫 控球后卫 中锋 大前锋 小前锋 特殊位置 锋卫摇摆人 雙能衛 二中锋 锋线摇摆人 控球前锋 得分後衛 ( 英语: Shooting guard ,又作 Two guard 、 off guard ),簡稱“ 得衛 ”或“ 得後 ”,俗稱“ 二號位置 ”。是籃球比赛陣容中,五個固定位置之一。傳統的得分後衛的主要責任,就是盡可能的投進球。一般擔任該位置的球員對體形、體能的要求較嚴格,在速度和爆發力上具有優勢。他們經常是由隊伍裡投射能力最強的球員擔任,處理多數的中遠距離出手,在外圍防守上也責任重大。許多得分後衛都可以兼任小前锋,稱為鋒衛搖擺人。 麥可·喬丹被認為是NBA歷史上最出色的得分後衛,他使這個位置的功能得到了明確化。其他著名的得分後衛如 科比·布萊恩、德韋恩·韋德。現役的NBA優秀得分後衛包括:、德瑪爾·德羅贊、吉米·巴特勒、詹姆斯·哈登和克雷·湯普森等。 查 论 编 籃球位置 后卫 1 控球後衛(PG) 雙能衛(PG/SG) 2 得分後衛(SG) 锋卫摇摆人(SG/SF) 前锋 3 小前鋒(SF) 控球前鋒(PG/SF 或 PG/PF) 4 大前锋(PF) 锋线摇摆人(SF/PF) 中锋 5 中鋒(C) 二中锋(PF/C) 教練 籃球 This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here


This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here


张鹏翔 可以指以下人物: 张鹏翔 (进士),清朝光绪二十九年癸卯科进士 张鹏翔 (棋手),中国国际象棋特级大师 这是一个消歧义页,羅列了有相同或相近的标题,但內容不同的条目。 如果您是通过某條目的内部链接而转到本页,希望您能協助修正该處的内部链接,將它指向正确的条目。 This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here


This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

River Douglas (Lancashire)

River Douglas (Lancashire) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Douglas River Douglas at Appley Bridge, West Lancashire Location Country England Physical characteristics Source    - location Winter Hill Mouth confluence with River Ribble  - coordinates 53°44′4.92″N 2°51′18.26″W  /  53.7347000°N 2.8550722°W  / 53.7347000; -2.8550722 Coordinates: 53°44′4.92″N 2°51′18.26″W  /  53.7347000°N 2.8550722°W  / 53.7347000; -2.8550722 Length 56 km (35 mi) Basin features Tributaries    - right River Yarrow The River Douglas , also known as the River Asland or Astland , [1] is a river that flows through Lancashire and Greater Manchester in the north-west of England. It is a tributary of the River Ribble and has itself several tributaries, the major ones being the River Tawd and the River Yarrow. In 1720 an act of Parliament was passed allowing Thomas Steers and William Squire to make the Douglas navigable to