
Showing posts from January 11, 2019

Alert cuts long text in Ionic 4

0 if an alert has too much text, instead of scrolling the text it is cut and even the buttons can be reached. Is this a bug? should I rise a report? how? I’m using Ionic 4 beta 12 Code: async showRules() const alert = await this.alertController.create( header: 'Rules', subHeader: `Brain Builder is up to date with the most recent research regarding IQ enhancement. As the most recent research suggest, Brain Builder will increase the number of stimulus first (position, audio, color, etc.). Once all stimuli have been mastered, the n-back will be increased.A blue square will be shown every three seconds, press the button ‘Position’ when you find that the actual position of the blue square matches with that of the previous one. The position of the square is accompanied with the pronunciation of a number and the very same rule applies for the sound. `, buttons: ['OK'], backdropDismiss: false ); await alert.present(); ionic-framework ionic4 share


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