
Showing posts from February 4, 2019

Display ProgressBar while dynamically loading GridPane

1 Heyyo, So I'm currently working on a JavaFX project, with another Java project handling/serving the data for said project. While I got most things working, I am still trying to get a ProgressBar to load while loading the data from the data project, which I am having some issues doing. Currently, I'm looping through the data, creating/adding labels to a GridPane for each "entry". Above it, I declare a JavaFX ProgressBar and add it to my "root wrapper" VBox . GridPane wrapper = new GridPane(); ProgressBar progress = new ProgressBar(); viewBox.getChildren().add(progress); int currentRow = 1; for(Map.Entry<String, List<Observation>> item : handler.get(from, to).entrySet()) if(item != null) for(Observation inner : item.getValue()) if(inner != null) // Add the data for the datalist wrapper.add(new Label(item.getKey()), 0, currentRow); wrapper.add(new Label(inner.getDate().toString()), 1, currentRow); wrapper.add(new Label(St