
Showing posts from January 2, 2019

How to avoid use of `lexical-let`

3 I have a macro that intends to creates a closure: ; -*- lexical-binding: t -*- (defmacro repro () (let ((kmap-sym (gensym "kmap-"))) `(let ((,kmap-sym (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key ,kmap-sym "a" (lambda () (interactive) (message "kmap is %s" ,kmap-sym))) ,kmap-sym))) ;; only works when lexical-binding: t in the current file (funcall (lookup-key (repro) "a")) Although lexical-binding is t in the file where the macro is defined, (funcall (lookup-key (repro) "a")) fails with the error (void-variable kmap-30252) whenever it is evaluated in a different file where lexical-binding is nil . Since I can't control where the macro will be used, I considered going back to using lexical-let for the inner let in the example, which does work regardless of where the macro is invoked. (defmacro repro () (let ((kmap-sym (gensym "kmap-"))) `(lexical-let ((,kmap-sym (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key ,kmap-sy