Sunday Final Ratings: 'American Dad' Adjusted Up & Final Football Numbers
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Sunday Final Ratings: 'American Dad' Adjusted Up & Final Football Numbers
American Dad was adjusted up a tenth among adults 18-49 versus Sunday’s preliminary ratings. The final ratings for Sunday Night Football are also below.
Final broadcast primetime ratings for Sunday, December 9, 2012:
Time | Net | Show | 18-49 Rating/Share | Viewers (Millions) |
7:00 | FOX | NFL Football (Saints at Giants) | 8.3/26 | 24.53 |
CBS | 60 Minutes | 1.9/5 | 11.87 | |
ABC | America’s Funniest Home Videos | 1.4/4 | 6.51 | |
7:30 | NBC | Football Night in America Part 2 – Live | 1.8/5 | 5.38 |
8:00 | NBC | Football Night in America Part 3 – Live | 4.0/11 | 12.12 |
FOX | The Simpsons | 3.4/9 | 7.44 | |
CBS | The Amazing Race (8-10PM) Season Finale | 2.6/6 | 9.35 | |
ABC | Disney Prep & Landing – R | 1.4/3 | 4.86 | |
8:30 | NBC | NFL Football : Lions at Packers- Live (8:30-11:28PM) | 7.8/19 | 21.36 |
FOX | Bob’s Burgers | 2.1/5 | 4.55 | |
ABC | Prep & Landing Naughty or Nice | 1.4/3 | 4.72 | |
9:00 | FOX | Family Guy | 2.8/7 | 5.64 |
ABC | Christmas With Holly (9-11PM) | 1.8/4 | 7.73 | |
9:30 | FOX | American Dad | 2.3/5 | 4.67 |
10:00 | CBS | The Mentalist | 1.6/4 | 7.94 |
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