How can I put Firebase database code into my Frebase auth code? [closed]


How can I put Firabase Database code into my Frebase auth code? so that the data will only save into the database if there are no errors or onComplete.

Firebase database code:

if (!nameStr.isEmpty()) 
String ID = GDatabase.push().getKey();

Accounts accounts = new Accounts(ID, nameStr, genderStr, emailStr, passwordStr);


Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Unable to save data into the database", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Firebase auth code:

 firebaseAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(emailStr, passwordStr)
.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>()
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<AuthResult> task)
if (task.isSuccessful())
.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<Void>()
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task)
if (task.isSuccessful())
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Registered successfully. Please check your email for verification",

Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, task.getException().getMessage(),



All of my code from that class:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity $%&*!+-*/=.,;'<>?`()_૱꠸┯┰┱┲❗►◄Ăă0123456789ǕǖꞀ¤Ð¢℥Ω℧" +
"Kℶℷℸⅇ⅊⚌⚍⚎⚏⚭⚮⌀⏑⏒⏓⏔⏕⏖⏗⏘⏙⏠⏡⏦ᶀᶁᶂᶃᶄᶆᶇᶈᶉᶊᶋᶌᶍᶎᶏᶐᶑᶒᶓᶔᶕᶖᶗᶘᶙᶚᶸᵯᵰᵴᵶᵹᵼᵽᵾᵿ u200Cu200Du200Eu200F ⁁⁊" +
"u206Au206Bu206Cu206Du206Eu206F⸜⸝¶¥£⅕⅙⅛⅔⅖⅗⅘⅜⅚⅐⅝↉⅓⅑⅒⅞←↑→↓↔↕↖↗↘↙↚↛↜↝↞↟↠↡↢↣↤↥↦↧↨↩↪" +
"↫↬↭↮↯↰↱↲↳↴↵↶↷↸↹↺↻↼↽↾↿⇀⇁⇂⇃⇄⇅⇆⇇⇈⇉⇊⇋⇌⇍⇎⇏⇐⇑⇒⇓⇔⇕⇖⇗⇘⇙⇚⇛⇜⇝⇞⇟⇠⇡⇢⇣⇤⇥⇦⇨⇩⇪⇧⇫⇬⇭⇮⇯⇰" +
"⇱⇲⇳⇴⇵⇶⇷⇸⇹⇺⇻⇼⇽⇾⇿⟰⟱⟲⟳⟴⟵⟶⟷⟸⟹⟺⟻⟼⟽⟾⟿⤀⤁⤂⤃⤄⤅⤆⤇⤈⤉⤊⤋⤌⤍⤎⤏⤐⤑⤒⤓⤔⤕⤖⤗" +
"⤘⤙⤚⤛⤜⤝⤞⤟⤠⤡⤢⤣⤤⤥⤦⤧⤨⤩⤪⤫⤬⤭⤮⤯⤰⤱⤲⤳⤴⤵⤶⤷⤸⤹⤺⤻⤼⤽⤾⤿⥀⥁⥂⥃⥄⥅⥆⥇⥈⥉⥊⥋⥌⥍⥎⥏⥐⥑⥒⥓⥔⥕⥖⥗⥘⥙⥚⥛⥜⥝⥞⥟" +
"⥠⥡⥢⥣⥤⥥⥦⥧⥨⥩⥪⥫⥬⥭⥮⥯⥰⥱⥲⥳⥴⥵⥶⥷⥸⥹⥺⥻⥼⥽⥾⥿➔➘➙➚➛➜➝➞➝➞➟➠➡➢➣➤➥➦➧➨➩➩➪➫➬➭➮➯➱➲➳" +
"➴➵➶➷➸➹➺➻➼➽➾⬀⬁⬂⬃⬄⬅⬆⬇⬈⬉⬊⬋⬌⬍⬎⬏⬐⬑☇☈⏎⍃⍄⍅⍆⍇⍈⍐⍗⍌⍓⍍⍔⍏⍖♾⎌☊☋☌☍⌃⌄⌤⌅⌆⌇⚋⚊⌌⌍⌎⌏⌐⌑⌔⌕⌗" +
"⌙⌢⌣⌯⌬⌭⌮⌖⌰⌱⌲⌳⌴⌵⌶⌷⌸⌹⌺⌻⌼⍯⍰⌽⌾⌿⍀⍁⍂⍉⍊⍋⍎⍏⍑⍒⍕⍖⍘⍙⍚⍛⍜⍝⍞⍠⍟⍡⍢⍣⍤⍥⍨⍩⍦⍧⍬⍿⍪⍮⍫⍱⍲⍭⍳⍴⍵⍶⍷⍸⍹⍺⍼⍽⍾⎀⎁⎂⎃" +
"⎄⎅⎆⎉⎊⎋⎍⎎⎏⎐⎑⎒⎓⎔⎕⏣⌓⏥⏢⎖⎲⎳⎴⎵⎶⎸⎹⎺⎻⎼⎽⎾⎿⏀⏁⏂⏃⏄⏅⏆⏇⏈⏉⏉⏋⏌⏍⏐⏤⏚⏛Ⓝℰⓦ!   ⌘«»‹›‘’“”„‚❝❞£¥€$" +

share|improve this question

closed as unclear what you're asking by Frank van Puffelen, Doug Stevenson, Nicholas K, Martin Zeitler, Alex Mamo Nov 12 at 19:37

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • What are you stuck on in particular?
    – halfer
    Nov 10 at 21:21

  • Umm. Everytime the user sign up an account the app always adds data to the database even if there is an error if the firebase auth failed. So I want the data to be added to the database only If the the authentication is a success.
    – Patrick Mangubat
    Nov 11 at 2:40

  • So task.isSuccessful() is true even if the Firebase auth failed? (I am not familiar with Java/Android - just trying to narrow the question down, as you have 4 close votes. I assume readers think this is too broad).
    – halfer
    Nov 11 at 10:14

  • So am I.. I just started to code recently. I will try to revise my code. There is an 'else' that has the 'task.getException()' to catch if it is false. But the problem is. the data will save into the database, but wont send an email authentication. Thanks for the help. I think i just realize the solution. But thank you So much!
    – Patrick Mangubat
    Nov 11 at 12:27


How can I put Firabase Database code into my Frebase auth code? so that the data will only save into the database if there are no errors or onComplete.

Firebase database code:

if (!nameStr.isEmpty()) 
String ID = GDatabase.push().getKey();

Accounts accounts = new Accounts(ID, nameStr, genderStr, emailStr, passwordStr);


Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Unable to save data into the database", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Firebase auth code:

 firebaseAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(emailStr, passwordStr)
.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>()
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<AuthResult> task)
if (task.isSuccessful())
.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<Void>()
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task)
if (task.isSuccessful())
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Registered successfully. Please check your email for verification",

Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, task.getException().getMessage(),



All of my code from that class:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity $%&*!+-*/=.,;'<>?`()_૱꠸┯┰┱┲❗►◄Ăă0123456789ǕǖꞀ¤Ð¢℥Ω℧" +
"Kℶℷℸⅇ⅊⚌⚍⚎⚏⚭⚮⌀⏑⏒⏓⏔⏕⏖⏗⏘⏙⏠⏡⏦ᶀᶁᶂᶃᶄᶆᶇᶈᶉᶊᶋᶌᶍᶎᶏᶐᶑᶒᶓᶔᶕᶖᶗᶘᶙᶚᶸᵯᵰᵴᵶᵹᵼᵽᵾᵿ u200Cu200Du200Eu200F ⁁⁊" +
"u206Au206Bu206Cu206Du206Eu206F⸜⸝¶¥£⅕⅙⅛⅔⅖⅗⅘⅜⅚⅐⅝↉⅓⅑⅒⅞←↑→↓↔↕↖↗↘↙↚↛↜↝↞↟↠↡↢↣↤↥↦↧↨↩↪" +
"↫↬↭↮↯↰↱↲↳↴↵↶↷↸↹↺↻↼↽↾↿⇀⇁⇂⇃⇄⇅⇆⇇⇈⇉⇊⇋⇌⇍⇎⇏⇐⇑⇒⇓⇔⇕⇖⇗⇘⇙⇚⇛⇜⇝⇞⇟⇠⇡⇢⇣⇤⇥⇦⇨⇩⇪⇧⇫⇬⇭⇮⇯⇰" +
"⇱⇲⇳⇴⇵⇶⇷⇸⇹⇺⇻⇼⇽⇾⇿⟰⟱⟲⟳⟴⟵⟶⟷⟸⟹⟺⟻⟼⟽⟾⟿⤀⤁⤂⤃⤄⤅⤆⤇⤈⤉⤊⤋⤌⤍⤎⤏⤐⤑⤒⤓⤔⤕⤖⤗" +
"⤘⤙⤚⤛⤜⤝⤞⤟⤠⤡⤢⤣⤤⤥⤦⤧⤨⤩⤪⤫⤬⤭⤮⤯⤰⤱⤲⤳⤴⤵⤶⤷⤸⤹⤺⤻⤼⤽⤾⤿⥀⥁⥂⥃⥄⥅⥆⥇⥈⥉⥊⥋⥌⥍⥎⥏⥐⥑⥒⥓⥔⥕⥖⥗⥘⥙⥚⥛⥜⥝⥞⥟" +
"⥠⥡⥢⥣⥤⥥⥦⥧⥨⥩⥪⥫⥬⥭⥮⥯⥰⥱⥲⥳⥴⥵⥶⥷⥸⥹⥺⥻⥼⥽⥾⥿➔➘➙➚➛➜➝➞➝➞➟➠➡➢➣➤➥➦➧➨➩➩➪➫➬➭➮➯➱➲➳" +
"➴➵➶➷➸➹➺➻➼➽➾⬀⬁⬂⬃⬄⬅⬆⬇⬈⬉⬊⬋⬌⬍⬎⬏⬐⬑☇☈⏎⍃⍄⍅⍆⍇⍈⍐⍗⍌⍓⍍⍔⍏⍖♾⎌☊☋☌☍⌃⌄⌤⌅⌆⌇⚋⚊⌌⌍⌎⌏⌐⌑⌔⌕⌗" +
"⌙⌢⌣⌯⌬⌭⌮⌖⌰⌱⌲⌳⌴⌵⌶⌷⌸⌹⌺⌻⌼⍯⍰⌽⌾⌿⍀⍁⍂⍉⍊⍋⍎⍏⍑⍒⍕⍖⍘⍙⍚⍛⍜⍝⍞⍠⍟⍡⍢⍣⍤⍥⍨⍩⍦⍧⍬⍿⍪⍮⍫⍱⍲⍭⍳⍴⍵⍶⍷⍸⍹⍺⍼⍽⍾⎀⎁⎂⎃" +
"⎄⎅⎆⎉⎊⎋⎍⎎⎏⎐⎑⎒⎓⎔⎕⏣⌓⏥⏢⎖⎲⎳⎴⎵⎶⎸⎹⎺⎻⎼⎽⎾⎿⏀⏁⏂⏃⏄⏅⏆⏇⏈⏉⏉⏋⏌⏍⏐⏤⏚⏛Ⓝℰⓦ!   ⌘«»‹›‘’“”„‚❝❞£¥€$" +

share|improve this question

closed as unclear what you're asking by Frank van Puffelen, Doug Stevenson, Nicholas K, Martin Zeitler, Alex Mamo Nov 12 at 19:37

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • What are you stuck on in particular?
    – halfer
    Nov 10 at 21:21

  • Umm. Everytime the user sign up an account the app always adds data to the database even if there is an error if the firebase auth failed. So I want the data to be added to the database only If the the authentication is a success.
    – Patrick Mangubat
    Nov 11 at 2:40

  • So task.isSuccessful() is true even if the Firebase auth failed? (I am not familiar with Java/Android - just trying to narrow the question down, as you have 4 close votes. I assume readers think this is too broad).
    – halfer
    Nov 11 at 10:14

  • So am I.. I just started to code recently. I will try to revise my code. There is an 'else' that has the 'task.getException()' to catch if it is false. But the problem is. the data will save into the database, but wont send an email authentication. Thanks for the help. I think i just realize the solution. But thank you So much!
    – Patrick Mangubat
    Nov 11 at 12:27




How can I put Firabase Database code into my Frebase auth code? so that the data will only save into the database if there are no errors or onComplete.

Firebase database code:

if (!nameStr.isEmpty()) 
String ID = GDatabase.push().getKey();

Accounts accounts = new Accounts(ID, nameStr, genderStr, emailStr, passwordStr);


Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Unable to save data into the database", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Firebase auth code:

 firebaseAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(emailStr, passwordStr)
.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>()
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<AuthResult> task)
if (task.isSuccessful())
.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<Void>()
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task)
if (task.isSuccessful())
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Registered successfully. Please check your email for verification",

Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, task.getException().getMessage(),



All of my code from that class:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity $%&*!+-*/=.,;'<>?`()_૱꠸┯┰┱┲❗►◄Ăă0123456789ǕǖꞀ¤Ð¢℥Ω℧" +
"Kℶℷℸⅇ⅊⚌⚍⚎⚏⚭⚮⌀⏑⏒⏓⏔⏕⏖⏗⏘⏙⏠⏡⏦ᶀᶁᶂᶃᶄᶆᶇᶈᶉᶊᶋᶌᶍᶎᶏᶐᶑᶒᶓᶔᶕᶖᶗᶘᶙᶚᶸᵯᵰᵴᵶᵹᵼᵽᵾᵿ u200Cu200Du200Eu200F ⁁⁊" +
"u206Au206Bu206Cu206Du206Eu206F⸜⸝¶¥£⅕⅙⅛⅔⅖⅗⅘⅜⅚⅐⅝↉⅓⅑⅒⅞←↑→↓↔↕↖↗↘↙↚↛↜↝↞↟↠↡↢↣↤↥↦↧↨↩↪" +
"↫↬↭↮↯↰↱↲↳↴↵↶↷↸↹↺↻↼↽↾↿⇀⇁⇂⇃⇄⇅⇆⇇⇈⇉⇊⇋⇌⇍⇎⇏⇐⇑⇒⇓⇔⇕⇖⇗⇘⇙⇚⇛⇜⇝⇞⇟⇠⇡⇢⇣⇤⇥⇦⇨⇩⇪⇧⇫⇬⇭⇮⇯⇰" +
"⇱⇲⇳⇴⇵⇶⇷⇸⇹⇺⇻⇼⇽⇾⇿⟰⟱⟲⟳⟴⟵⟶⟷⟸⟹⟺⟻⟼⟽⟾⟿⤀⤁⤂⤃⤄⤅⤆⤇⤈⤉⤊⤋⤌⤍⤎⤏⤐⤑⤒⤓⤔⤕⤖⤗" +
"⤘⤙⤚⤛⤜⤝⤞⤟⤠⤡⤢⤣⤤⤥⤦⤧⤨⤩⤪⤫⤬⤭⤮⤯⤰⤱⤲⤳⤴⤵⤶⤷⤸⤹⤺⤻⤼⤽⤾⤿⥀⥁⥂⥃⥄⥅⥆⥇⥈⥉⥊⥋⥌⥍⥎⥏⥐⥑⥒⥓⥔⥕⥖⥗⥘⥙⥚⥛⥜⥝⥞⥟" +
"⥠⥡⥢⥣⥤⥥⥦⥧⥨⥩⥪⥫⥬⥭⥮⥯⥰⥱⥲⥳⥴⥵⥶⥷⥸⥹⥺⥻⥼⥽⥾⥿➔➘➙➚➛➜➝➞➝➞➟➠➡➢➣➤➥➦➧➨➩➩➪➫➬➭➮➯➱➲➳" +
"➴➵➶➷➸➹➺➻➼➽➾⬀⬁⬂⬃⬄⬅⬆⬇⬈⬉⬊⬋⬌⬍⬎⬏⬐⬑☇☈⏎⍃⍄⍅⍆⍇⍈⍐⍗⍌⍓⍍⍔⍏⍖♾⎌☊☋☌☍⌃⌄⌤⌅⌆⌇⚋⚊⌌⌍⌎⌏⌐⌑⌔⌕⌗" +
"⌙⌢⌣⌯⌬⌭⌮⌖⌰⌱⌲⌳⌴⌵⌶⌷⌸⌹⌺⌻⌼⍯⍰⌽⌾⌿⍀⍁⍂⍉⍊⍋⍎⍏⍑⍒⍕⍖⍘⍙⍚⍛⍜⍝⍞⍠⍟⍡⍢⍣⍤⍥⍨⍩⍦⍧⍬⍿⍪⍮⍫⍱⍲⍭⍳⍴⍵⍶⍷⍸⍹⍺⍼⍽⍾⎀⎁⎂⎃" +
"⎄⎅⎆⎉⎊⎋⎍⎎⎏⎐⎑⎒⎓⎔⎕⏣⌓⏥⏢⎖⎲⎳⎴⎵⎶⎸⎹⎺⎻⎼⎽⎾⎿⏀⏁⏂⏃⏄⏅⏆⏇⏈⏉⏉⏋⏌⏍⏐⏤⏚⏛Ⓝℰⓦ!   ⌘«»‹›‘’“”„‚❝❞£¥€$" +

share|improve this question

How can I put Firabase Database code into my Frebase auth code? so that the data will only save into the database if there are no errors or onComplete.

Firebase database code:

if (!nameStr.isEmpty()) 
String ID = GDatabase.push().getKey();

Accounts accounts = new Accounts(ID, nameStr, genderStr, emailStr, passwordStr);


Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Unable to save data into the database", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Firebase auth code:

 firebaseAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(emailStr, passwordStr)
.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>()
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<AuthResult> task)
if (task.isSuccessful())
.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<Void>()
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task)
if (task.isSuccessful())
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Registered successfully. Please check your email for verification",

Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, task.getException().getMessage(),



All of my code from that class:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity $%&*!+-*/=.,;'<>?`()_૱꠸┯┰┱┲❗►◄Ăă0123456789ǕǖꞀ¤Ð¢℥Ω℧" +
"Kℶℷℸⅇ⅊⚌⚍⚎⚏⚭⚮⌀⏑⏒⏓⏔⏕⏖⏗⏘⏙⏠⏡⏦ᶀᶁᶂᶃᶄᶆᶇᶈᶉᶊᶋᶌᶍᶎᶏᶐᶑᶒᶓᶔᶕᶖᶗᶘᶙᶚᶸᵯᵰᵴᵶᵹᵼᵽᵾᵿ u200Cu200Du200Eu200F ⁁⁊" +
"u206Au206Bu206Cu206Du206Eu206F⸜⸝¶¥£⅕⅙⅛⅔⅖⅗⅘⅜⅚⅐⅝↉⅓⅑⅒⅞←↑→↓↔↕↖↗↘↙↚↛↜↝↞↟↠↡↢↣↤↥↦↧↨↩↪" +
"↫↬↭↮↯↰↱↲↳↴↵↶↷↸↹↺↻↼↽↾↿⇀⇁⇂⇃⇄⇅⇆⇇⇈⇉⇊⇋⇌⇍⇎⇏⇐⇑⇒⇓⇔⇕⇖⇗⇘⇙⇚⇛⇜⇝⇞⇟⇠⇡⇢⇣⇤⇥⇦⇨⇩⇪⇧⇫⇬⇭⇮⇯⇰" +
"⇱⇲⇳⇴⇵⇶⇷⇸⇹⇺⇻⇼⇽⇾⇿⟰⟱⟲⟳⟴⟵⟶⟷⟸⟹⟺⟻⟼⟽⟾⟿⤀⤁⤂⤃⤄⤅⤆⤇⤈⤉⤊⤋⤌⤍⤎⤏⤐⤑⤒⤓⤔⤕⤖⤗" +
"⤘⤙⤚⤛⤜⤝⤞⤟⤠⤡⤢⤣⤤⤥⤦⤧⤨⤩⤪⤫⤬⤭⤮⤯⤰⤱⤲⤳⤴⤵⤶⤷⤸⤹⤺⤻⤼⤽⤾⤿⥀⥁⥂⥃⥄⥅⥆⥇⥈⥉⥊⥋⥌⥍⥎⥏⥐⥑⥒⥓⥔⥕⥖⥗⥘⥙⥚⥛⥜⥝⥞⥟" +
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"⎄⎅⎆⎉⎊⎋⎍⎎⎏⎐⎑⎒⎓⎔⎕⏣⌓⏥⏢⎖⎲⎳⎴⎵⎶⎸⎹⎺⎻⎼⎽⎾⎿⏀⏁⏂⏃⏄⏅⏆⏇⏈⏉⏉⏋⏌⏍⏐⏤⏚⏛Ⓝℰⓦ!   ⌘«»‹›‘’“”„‚❝❞£¥€$" +

java android firebase firebase-realtime-database firebase-authentication

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edited Nov 10 at 21:20




asked Nov 10 at 14:12

Patrick Mangubat



closed as unclear what you're asking by Frank van Puffelen, Doug Stevenson, Nicholas K, Martin Zeitler, Alex Mamo Nov 12 at 19:37

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as unclear what you're asking by Frank van Puffelen, Doug Stevenson, Nicholas K, Martin Zeitler, Alex Mamo Nov 12 at 19:37

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • What are you stuck on in particular?
    – halfer
    Nov 10 at 21:21

  • Umm. Everytime the user sign up an account the app always adds data to the database even if there is an error if the firebase auth failed. So I want the data to be added to the database only If the the authentication is a success.
    – Patrick Mangubat
    Nov 11 at 2:40

  • So task.isSuccessful() is true even if the Firebase auth failed? (I am not familiar with Java/Android - just trying to narrow the question down, as you have 4 close votes. I assume readers think this is too broad).
    – halfer
    Nov 11 at 10:14

  • So am I.. I just started to code recently. I will try to revise my code. There is an 'else' that has the 'task.getException()' to catch if it is false. But the problem is. the data will save into the database, but wont send an email authentication. Thanks for the help. I think i just realize the solution. But thank you So much!
    – Patrick Mangubat
    Nov 11 at 12:27

  • What are you stuck on in particular?
    – halfer
    Nov 10 at 21:21

  • Umm. Everytime the user sign up an account the app always adds data to the database even if there is an error if the firebase auth failed. So I want the data to be added to the database only If the the authentication is a success.
    – Patrick Mangubat
    Nov 11 at 2:40

  • So task.isSuccessful() is true even if the Firebase auth failed? (I am not familiar with Java/Android - just trying to narrow the question down, as you have 4 close votes. I assume readers think this is too broad).
    – halfer
    Nov 11 at 10:14

  • So am I.. I just started to code recently. I will try to revise my code. There is an 'else' that has the 'task.getException()' to catch if it is false. But the problem is. the data will save into the database, but wont send an email authentication. Thanks for the help. I think i just realize the solution. But thank you So much!
    – Patrick Mangubat
    Nov 11 at 12:27

What are you stuck on in particular?
– halfer
Nov 10 at 21:21

What are you stuck on in particular?
– halfer
Nov 10 at 21:21

Umm. Everytime the user sign up an account the app always adds data to the database even if there is an error if the firebase auth failed. So I want the data to be added to the database only If the the authentication is a success.
– Patrick Mangubat
Nov 11 at 2:40

Umm. Everytime the user sign up an account the app always adds data to the database even if there is an error if the firebase auth failed. So I want the data to be added to the database only If the the authentication is a success.
– Patrick Mangubat
Nov 11 at 2:40

So task.isSuccessful() is true even if the Firebase auth failed? (I am not familiar with Java/Android - just trying to narrow the question down, as you have 4 close votes. I assume readers think this is too broad).
– halfer
Nov 11 at 10:14

So task.isSuccessful() is true even if the Firebase auth failed? (I am not familiar with Java/Android - just trying to narrow the question down, as you have 4 close votes. I assume readers think this is too broad).
– halfer
Nov 11 at 10:14

So am I.. I just started to code recently. I will try to revise my code. There is an 'else' that has the 'task.getException()' to catch if it is false. But the problem is. the data will save into the database, but wont send an email authentication. Thanks for the help. I think i just realize the solution. But thank you So much!
– Patrick Mangubat
Nov 11 at 12:27

So am I.. I just started to code recently. I will try to revise my code. There is an 'else' that has the 'task.getException()' to catch if it is false. But the problem is. the data will save into the database, but wont send an email authentication. Thanks for the help. I think i just realize the solution. But thank you So much!
– Patrick Mangubat
Nov 11 at 12:27
















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